Thursday, June 4, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty – Part 18 – JustBijou

It's always such fun to see the wide range of items that each vendor has at their booths!! Carol had some lovely Berner items that you'll want to see on her website!

Carol Wolfram
10114 NE 4th Street
Vancouver, WA 98664
Phone: 1(360) 944-0471
Web Site:

All of Carol's items are hand made original pieces. Her fused glass plates and platters feature Bernese Mountain Dogs and are very lovely. They range in price from $60 to $140. The dichroic glass pendants and pins with Bernese Mountain Dog images in dichro are beautiful. They are priced at $35 and come with black satin necklaces and jewelry pouches. Her danglers are handsculpted Berners which hang from beaded wires and are great for hanging on the rear view mirrors of cars, ceiling fans, Christmas trees, mirrors, etc. Each dangler is different and they are either trotting or jumping through agility tires and are priced at $25. The danglers are hand sculpted and can be made in any breed and any color. All dogs can be made in any style or doing most activities such as Agility, Obedience (Open or Utility,) Trotting, Christmas, Herding with Eye , Running/Leaping, Hanging by the front paws, Tracking, Best in Show, Lure Coursing, Water Sports.

Carol has donated danglers and a pendant to the Berner-Garde Fundraiser.

Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

P. S. If you know anyone who needs to buy or sell a home anywhere in
the USA please be sure to give me their name and phone number. I can
help them find a professional, experienced agent and make sure they get great service.

Carol has many different styles of danglers. Here are three different examples, a Berner jumping through a Christmas wreath, another jumping through a tire jump, and a gaiting Berner.

Carol's fused dichroic pendants are something to see. The shimmer and colors are amazing. As you can see, she has many unique styles to choose from: paw prints, hearts, abstract colors, and Berner silouhettes.

Carol also makes larger glass pieces. While difficult to capture in pictures, the "real life" shimmer to the pieces is stunning.

Here are two more, detailed pictures Carol sent us to add to the blog featuring the Berner pendants and the danglers.

Lynn Alvarez
Prospect Heights, Illinois
with Tobie, Monty, Lottie and McGee forever in our hearts

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty – Part 16 – BernerGarde Foundation

I have a special place in my heart for The Berner-Garde Foundation!

The Berner-Garde Foundation
Daniel Sernicola
23095 Hilliard Blvd.
Westlake, OH 44145
Phone: 1(440) 356-0184
Web Site:

The Berner-Garde Booth has a lot of wonderful items and was always busy with people shopping. Here are just some of the items and the prices so you can shop from home:

  • Just Perfect by P. T. Custard - $16.00
  • Moments of Wonder by Barry Schieber - $22.00
  • 2008 Limited Edition Berner-Garde Carting Ornament - $25.00
  • 2009 Limited Edition Berner-Garde Herding Ornament - $30.00

The Berner-Garde Foundation has donated one of their lovely 2009 Limited Edition Berner-Garde Herding Ornaments for the upcoming Berner-Garde Foundation Fundraiser.

Did you know that the Berner-Garde database now contains information on almost 55,000 dogs? Everyone I meet who is associated with pure-bred dogs is in awe of this incredible accomplishment. When I have attended the AKC CHF Health Symposium, other breed clubs are amazed at what we have accomplished with our database. With our new DNA bank and repository we have both blood and cheek swabs on over 900 dogs in just two years. The DNA bank and repository is going to be a huge help to researchers who want to study Berners - it will give them a big head start on their research project. Is your Berner entered in the data bank? We need blood and cheek swabs on as many Berners as we can get to have this be a great success.

Be sure to check out the website to see the fantastic things that Berner-Garde does for our Berners and to check out the 2009 Berner-Garde Annual, which you can download. Look up your Berner - see the information on the generations that preceed your Berner - it is fascinating!

While you are at the website, be sure to make certain that all of your past and present Berners are in the database and that their information is up to date. It is so easy to enter your Berners in the database - and if you send the data operators copies of the vet's diagnoses your information will be entered as verified which gives the database a very accurate picture of your Berner.

Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner-Garde Vice-President and Fundraiser
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

P. S. If you know anyone who needs to buy or sell a home anywhere in the USA please be sure to give me their name and phone number. I can help them find a professional, experienced agent and make sure they get great service.

Dress up your house plants with a Michael Park carved Berner. Share your love of Berners with your friends by using note cards based on the illustrations in P. T. Custard's newest Berner book "Just Perfect: More Adventures of Jules the Lighthouse Dog."

The Michael Park ornaments are wonderful. I am lucky enough to have the past two, and will be adding the 2009 herding ornament to my collection, soon. Someday, I am going to have a holiday tree all of my own that MY ornaments will be displayed and my Berners won't have to worry about Klingon or Jedi cross-fire. I wasn't able to get a picture of the 2009 ornament, because it SOLD OUT! More will be available, but don't wait to place your order.

Toys, toys, and more toys. I got Monty and Lottie the big Tuffy purple octopus that Berner-Garde sells. It is big enough for my two sillies to play together and they haven't unstuffed it! In addition to the Tuffy toys, there are other dog toys available. Just to show you how great the Berner-Garde toys are, I've included a picture of Lottie and Monty the day we unpacked our octopus. Lottie was just three months old then!

Berner-Garde also has yard stakes that can be customized with either your name, or perhaps your kennel's name.

There are also two styles of door toppers: the gaiting Berner or the peeking Berner, letter openers and also the wonderful Stephen Huneck flying dog ornaments. I can attest to the quality of these ornaments. Ours is named Sherman (after our own Heavenly messenger) and hangs over my Berner's water bowl. It is too nice to have out only at the holidays, so mine is on display year round.

Last, but certainly not least are the Steiff Berners. My son saw this picture and desperately wants one to add to our collection of stuffed Berners.

Lynn Alvarez
Prospect Heights, Illinois
with Tobie, Monty, Lottie and McGee forever in our hearts

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty - Part 15

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty - Part 15
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I just love to see all of the wonderful Swiss items that Mary Dawn Debriae has at her booth - the Swiss outfits for both women and men are absolutely stunning!!

Alpen Schatz Botique
Mary Dawn Bebriae
307 East Colorado Avenue
P. O. Box 823
Teluride, CO 81435
Phone: 1(970) 728-4433
Fax: 1(303) 484-3612
Web Site:

Mary Dawn is an importer of unique, quality items from the Swiss, Austrian, German and Italian Alps. You feel like you have been transported to Eurpoe when you come to her booth. Some of the beautiful items she features, are: the Original Swiss Dog Collars, Decorative Harnesses, Cowbells, Brandy Rescue Kegs, Belts and Leashes. Also, importe are handsome Lederhosen and beautiful Dirndl dresses, Alpine Hats, Edelweiss Scarves and Alpine Pewter Jewelry. Yodeling/dancing Swiss Marmots are also popular items imported by Alpen Schatz. Alpen Schatz travels to Europe at least twice a year and is always on the lookout for unique Alpine gear for Berners and their people. Visit their web-site for a closer look at what they do! Yodel-eh-hi-huuuu! P rices range from $10 for a Swiss key chain or Edelweiss zipper pull, to $400+ for a classic, decorative Swiss Carting Harness. You are going to just love this vendor and the Swiss items she has. Be sure to visit her website at:

Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

P. S. If you know anyone who needs to buy or sell a home anywhere in the USA please be sure to give me their name and phone number. I can help them find a professional, experienced agent and make sure they get great service.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty – Part 14 – Woof and Hoof Massage, Inc.

As you walked past this vendor's booth, you could almost hear the Berners sighing as they relaxed as they got a massage.

Woof and Hoof Massage, Inc.
Debbie Towndrow
8157 W 99th Avenue
Broomfield, CO 80021
Phone: (303) 466-2624

Debbie’s mission as stated on her website is: “Through therapeutic massage and education, enhance the quality of life for both humans and animals. My goal is for the client to see the improvements and experience the benefits of therapeutic massage.”

Therapeutic massage has physical, mental and emotional benefits for dogs and people. I always love to see the dogs who are relaxing on Debbie’s table as she massages them – they look so relaxed and are truly enjoying their experience. Sometimes when I go, Debbie will be massaging a Berner Lover and they have that same relaxed and happy look on their faces. Next time you are at the Specialty and see Debbie, see if she can fit both you and your Berner into her busy schedule. Check out her website – you will be impressed with her training and experience. Oh, and by the way, I do believe that dogs do feel the same way that people do about getting a wonderful massage.

Debbie donated a gift certificate for 1/2 hour massage at next year's specialty for our upcoming Berner-Garde Fundraiser.


Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA
Writing this from Joplin, MO on the way home to Pittsburgh from a fantastic vacation in Colorado!!

P. S. If you know anyone who needs to buy or sell a home anywhere in the USA please be sure to give me their name and phone number. I can help them find a professional, experienced agent and make sure they get great service.

Lynn Alvarez
Prospect Heights, Illinois
with Tobie, Monty, Lottie and McGee forever in our hearts

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty – Part 13 – Novelty Quilt Fabric

Oh boy!!! Was this ever a popular vendor booth. Everyone was talking about the wonderful canine fabric that Kim Shannon had at her booth.

Novelty Quilt Fabric
Kim Shannon
P.O. Box 457
Midway, UT 84049
Phone: (435) 657-0219
Fax: (435) 654-7173
Web Site: specializes in novelty prints in cotton, flannel and fleece material. She featured her dog/cat fabrics at the specialty in Portland this hear. There is a new Berner print arriving in June or July and it can be found on her web site at that time. She ships allover the world and ships the fabric the same day that you order. Mail cutoff time is 3 p.m. MST. Visit her website today - it's open 24/7.

Kim donated a basket full of fabric and other items to the specialty raffle and there were a LOT of tickets in that bag. You're going to lover her fabric and want to order some.

Kim donated two Doggie Diary Quilt Kits to our upcoming Berner-Garde Fundraiser.

Remember when you shop with the vendors to tell them that you saw their article on Joye Neff's Shopping at the 2009 Specialty series.

THANK YOU to Lynn Alvarez, who took the photos this year for the 2009 Shopping at the Specialty series and who is doing an AWESOME JOB posting the photos and descriptions to the blog!!


Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

P. S. If you know anyone who needs to buy or sell a home anywhere in the USA please be sure to give me their name and phone number. I can help them find a professional, experienced agent and make sure they get great service.

This is a glimpse of some of the animal themed quilt patterns Kim has for sale. I am not a quilter, but my mom is. Had she been in Portland with me, she might not have surfaced from this vendor's booth for a day or two.

Threads in every color imaginable, and more quilt patterns.

This is a detail of a whimsical doggy fabric with a bouncing Berner! Kim doesn't discriminate against cats. Under the Berner fabric is a lovely feline pattern.

This is just a small sample of the many canine themed patterned fabrics. Puppies, Canine Chronicle newspaper images, head studies...

...leashes, bones, paw prints... biscuits, I love my dog, doggie words...and more quilt patterns! I'd love to learn to sew to make some of these beautiful quilts!

Lynn Alvarez
Prospect Heights, Illinois
with Tobie, Monty, Lottie and McGee forever in our hearts

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty - Part #13

Oh boy!!! Was this ever a popular vendor booth. Everyone was talking about the wonderful canine fabric that Kim Shannon had at her booth.

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty - Part #13
Portland, OR
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Novelty Quilt Fabric
Kim Shannon
P.O. Box 457
Midway, UT 84049
Phone: (435) 657-0219
Fax: (435) 654-7173
Web Site: specializes in novelty prints in cotton, flannel and fleece material. She featured her dog/cat fabrics at the specialty in Portland this hear. There is a new Berner print arriving in june or July and it can be found on her web site at that time. She ships allover the world and ships the fabric the same day that you order. Mail cutoff time is 3 p.m. MST. Visit her website today - it's open 24/7.
Kim donated a basket full of fabric and other items to the specialty raffle and there were a LOT of tickets in that bag. You're going to lover her fabric and want to order some.

Kim donated two Doggie Diary Quilt Kits to our upcoming Berner-Garde Fundraiser.

Remember when you shop with the vendors to tell them that you saw their article on Joye Neff's Shopping at the 2009 Specialty series.

THANK YOU to Lynn Alvarez, who took the photos this year for the 2009 Shopping at the Specialty series and who is doing an AWESOME JOB posting the photos and descriptions to the blog!!

Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

P. S. If you know anyone who needs to buy or sell a home anywhere in the USA please be sure to give me their name and phone number. I can help them find a professional, experienced agent and make sure they get great service.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty – Part 12 – CKC Embroidery

This vendor was busy every single time I walked past her booth. Even when they were not open for business, her big embroidery machine was working hard on items people had ordered. Their embroidery work was just beautiful.

CKC Embroidery
Sonjya Luke
P.O. Box 275
Monroe, OR 97456
Phone: (541) 556-5859
Web Site:

Sonjya Luke, CKC Embroidery, does custom embroidery on the items she had at her booth and the items she has on her website. At the specialty, you picked the item you wanted to purchase, then you picked the design you wanted on the item. Really cool!!! She has several stock designs of Berners or she can digitize your logo or graphic design. To digitize a logo or graphic is a one time fee of $100. Embroidery is priced by the finished size, including lettering. A 4"x4" is $15, 5"x7" is $30, 8"x11" is $40. Hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, vests, jackets, etc. are all listed on her website with colors that are available and the prices. You will definitely want to check out her website.
Sonjya donated two embroidered red Berner t-shirts, one medium and one large, for our upcoming Berner-Garde Fundraiser.

Remember when you shop with the vendors to tell them that you saw their article on Joye Neff's Shopping at the 2009 Specialty series.


Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

P. S. If you know anyone who needs to buy or sell a home anywhere in the USA please be sure to give me their name and phone number. I can help them find a professional, experienced agent and make sure they get great service.

It was difficult to get pictures of CKC Embroidery. First, they were right next to the windows. Second, they were so busy, you could barely get close! In the first two pictures, you can get an idea of the wide array of things you could choose to have embroidered: t-shirts, vests, denim shirts, jackets and so many more choices. I couldn't get a picture of the book with the design choices (too many people in the way), but I think they have at least 12 stock Berner designs, ranging from profile silhouettes to detailed Berner studies. To give you an idea of what Sonjya's finished work looks like, I took a close of up the embroidery on my husband's jacket. On her website, Sonjya lists her pattern sources, so you can go to websites and search for the Berner designs. They are: (three standing silhouettes) (Berner head study), and (one standing Berner).

Sonjya also had some pre-embroidered shirts for sale.

This sport chair is a really neat item. It is a light-weight chair that has a little fold out table on one side and then pockets on the other. Imagine how neat it would be to have it at your next dog event with an embroidered Berner and your name on the chair back!

Lynn Alvarez
Prospect Heights, Illinois
with Tobie, Monty, Lottie and McGee forever in our hearts

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty – Part 11 – BMDCA Ways and Means

Of course the BMDCA Ways and Means was a very popular place at the Specialty. They have the most wonderful clothing!

Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America
Ways and Means
Dottie Schulte
1943 Montview Drive
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: (970) 392-1806

The BMDCA Ways and Means booth had t-shirts, sweatshirts, cardigans, jackets, golf shirts, rain jackets and scrubs and with the BMDCA logo on them. They had some wonderful cardigans and sweaters that were sooooo soft and they were in such lovely colors, too. BMDCA logo items include hoodies, t-shirts, cardigans, and back packs. BMDCA publications include yearbooks, draft regulations, BMD handbooks, and illustrated standards. DVDs include BMD Breed Study, 2007 Matthew Breen Genetics and the BMD, the Bell Genetics and the BMD DVD for $25 from the 2007 specialty.

The BMDCA has a list of publications that you really should check out on their website:

Printed items include the 2008 Yearbooks (you can also buy previous Yearbooks ($42 to $48,) a CD of the 1968 to 2000 Yearbooks ($85,) Illustrated Standards ($8,) Draft Regulations ($2.50) and The Bernese Mountain Dog Handbook ($1.50.) The Breed Panel Discussion DVD is awesome, and a must see for Berner Lovers. They also have a BMDCA logo decal for your car ($2).

The BMDCA donated a Yearbook CD for years 1968-2000, plus a hard copy set of the subsequent years up to 2008. There are a nice reference for a new breeder and/or someone studying the history of the BMD.

Remember when you shop with the vendors to tell them that you saw their article on Joye Neff's Shopping at the 2009 Specialty series.


Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

The BMDCA booth also had some very handsome sales assistants! I think this is Crosby, waiting to greet the next customer.

Wanda, the lovely model at the BMDCA booth is wearing the "bling" shirt. A Berner study in crystals on a simple black tee.

Crosby and his buddy took advantange of a lull in customers to get some much needed rest. Greeting all the customers at the BMDCA booth is exhausting work!

These are three shirts for us girls. The first is a fitted, light-weight hoodie, the second is a gingham 3/4 sleeve, and the last is as butter yellow colored blouse. All feature the BMDCA embroidered logo.

A rainbow of hats...

Shirts and sweatshirts in many different materials and weights. You can find something for every season, every climate.

This was a very popular jacket with the embroidered logo. I didn't think that it was shown to it's best advantage, so I had my husband hold it up. He's a good sport!

The BMDCA fleeces and hoodies were so popular, the chenille hoodies sold out by Tuesday!

The booth also had some light-weight jackets for purchase. In the back, you can see another popular item, the tie-dye paw print shirt, which Wanda was kind enough to put on so everyone could get a good view...

There was also a fundraiser for the Junior Scholarship Fund. Purchases of the grooming tote help support tomorrow's BMD handlers.

Lynn Alvarez
Prospect Heights, Illinois
with Tobie, Monty, Lottie and McGee forever in our hearts

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty – Part 10 – Fantasy in Glass (with photos)

For twenty-two years, Madeleine Boucher has individually created stained glass pieces for you, for gifts and for trophies & awards to suit any club function. If there is something you would like, but you don't see it at her website, contact Madeleine and your imagination and hers can create something very special! Be sure to check out her website to see all of her items.

Fantasy in Glass
Madeleine Boucher
2716 Connors Road
Snohomish, WA 98290
Phone: (425) 334-0101
Fax: (425) 335-5668
Web Site:

Wind chimes: Strips of glass with Bernese Mountain Dog hanging from branches - can be used inside and outside
Wine bottle stoppers: with Bernese Mountain Dog head study
Metal chimes: too windy, try these!!! Glass 4 inch circles with Berner head with metal chimes. These will NOT break
Mobiles: 4 hearts with Berner head study carefully balanced to stir in the breeze
Hanging glass Berner head study (8 inches) with chain for hanging - $20
Hanging oval framed window Berner head study (11.5x16 inches) - $40
Berner sun catchers (in various sizes) - $7 to $8

You will be pleased with the prices of Madeleine's lovely Berner items.

Madeleine donated some of her pieces for our upcoming Berner-Garde fundraiser.

Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Here are some of the beautiful fused glass items Fantasy in Glass offers. To the far left is one of the wind chimes.

This is a close-up of a desk pen set featuring a lovely standing Berner and a wonderful opalescent glass tile.

Madeline also decorates hummingbird feeders with Berners. In the rear, you can also see a garden stake.

Glass Berner ornaments will be lovely on any holiday tree. Just don't forget to hang them above tail height!

These are some of the sun-catchers. They are available in so many wonderful colors. To the right in this photo are the wind chimes.

A photo does not capture the beauty of the sun shining through all the colors of glass. The large Berner profile is in the middle. To the top right, you can see the mobiles with the Berner heads on little glass hearts and the wind chimes.

These garden stepping stones were very popular in Portland. There are two style, one with a Berner study and the other with a paw print. They can also be customized to include your dog's name.

Lynn Alvarez
Prospect Heights, Illinois
with Tobie, Monty, Lottie and McGee forever in our hearts

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty - Part 10

For twenty two years, Madeleine Boucher has individually created stained glass pieces for you, for gifts and for trophies & awards to suit any club function. If there is something you would like, but you don't see it at her website, contact Madeleine and you imagination and hers can create something very special!

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty - Part 10
May 27, 2009

For twenty two years, Madeleine Boucher has individually created stained glass pieces for you, for gifts and for trophies 7 awards to suit any club function. If there is something you would like, but you don't see it at her website, contact Madeleine and you imagination and hers can create something very special! Be sure to check out her website to see all of her items.


Fantasy in Glass
Madeleine Boucher
2716 Connors Road
Snohomish, WA 98290
Phone: (425) 334-0101
Fax: (425) 335-5668
Web Site:

What a fun booth to visit at the Specialty! I just love Madeleine's items and have enjoyed her Berner pieces from other specialties for several years. Here are some of the items that Madeleine had at the specialty:

Windchimes: Strips of glass with Bernese Mountain Dog hanging from branches - can be used inside and outside
Wine bottle stoppers: with Bernese Mountain Dog head study
Metal Chimes: too windy, try these!!! Glass 4 inch circles with Berner head with metal chimes. These will NOT break
Mobiles: 4 hearts with Berner head study carefully balanced to stir in the breeze
Hanging glass Berner head study (8 inches) with chain for hanging - $20
Hanging oval framed window Berner head study (11.5x16 inches) - $40
Berner Suncatchers (in various sizes) - $7 to $8

You will be pleased with the prices of Madeleine's lovely Berner items.

Madeleine donated some of her pieces for our upcoming Berner-Garde fundraiser.

You can see all of the "Shopping at the 2009 Specialty" articles, along with photos of the vendors' booths at:

Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

P. S. If you know anyone who needs to buy or sell a home anywhere in the USA please be sure to give me their name and phone number. I can help them find a professional, experienced agent and make sure they get great service.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty – Part 15 – Alpen Schatz (with pictures)

I just love to see all of the wonderful Swiss items that Mary Dawn Debriae has at her booth - the Swiss outfits for both women and men are stunning!!

Alpen Schatz Botique
Mary Dawn Bebriae
307 East Colorado Avenue
P. O. Box 823
Teluride, CO 81435
Phone: 1(970) 728-4433
Fax: 1(303) 484-3612
Web Site:

Mary Dawn is an importer of unique, quality items from the Swiss, Austrian, German and Italian Alps. You feel like you have been transported to Europe when you come to her booth. Some of the beautiful items she features, are: the Original Swiss Dog Collars, Decorative Harnesses, Cowbells, Brandy Rescue Kegs, Belts and Leashes. Also, imported are handsome Lederhosen and beautiful Dirndl dresses, Alpine Hats, Edelweiss Scarves and Alpine Pewter Jewelry. Yodeling/dancing Swiss Marmots are also popular items imported by Alpen Schatz. Alpen Schatz travels to Europe at least twice a year and is always on the lookout for unique Alpine gear for Berners and their people. Visit their website for a closer look at what they do! Yodel-eh-hi-huuuu! Prices range from $10 for a Swiss key chain or Edelweiss zipper pull, to $400+ for a classic, decorative Swiss Carting Harness. You are going to just love this vendor and the Swiss items she has. Be sure to visit her website at:

Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

P. S. If you know anyone who needs to buy or sell a home anywhere in the USA please be sure to give me their name and phone number. I can help them find a professional, experienced agent and make sure they get great service.

Joye mentioned the wonderful Alpine clothing for men and women for purchase at Alpen Schatz.

However, she didn't mention the charming baby and children's clothing!

You can be warm and stylish with an Alpine hat next winter.

There are also Alpine items to decorate your kitchen - place mats, table runners, hot pads, and even aprons.

The handmade leather belts are stunning. They are decorated with either brass or silver alpine decorations in either an edelweiss or herdsman theme.

The next two pictures are the Swiss marmots. There are two sizes, and many are rather talented. They can yodel and dance!

Seriously, they are talented! I found this link to a youtube video on the Alpen Schatz website. They are too cute, and got quite the funny look from my Lottie.

There was so much to see in the Alpen Schatz booth. Painted cups and Swiss bells of all sizes.

The edelweiss decorated water bottles are a must have for your next hike.

Alpen Schatz has many different sizes of stuffed Berners and other Alpine animals to add to your collection. At least these Berners won't shed!

The Swiss dog collars feature the edelweiss design and are beautiful as well as functional.

Alpen Schatz carries scarves emblazoned with edelweiss and even thick, warm socks with edelweiss.

There are edelweiss zipper pulls and earrings.

The enamelled pins are simply lovely.

The ubiquitous cow bell. I never really appreciated the Swiss bells until I heard more than 100 of them tinkling around the ring during the Veterans' Parade.

Here is one last view of the edelweiss scarves and the scarf ornaments. Mary Dawn advises these scarf ornaments are "top fashion throughout the alps."

Lynn Alvarez
Prospect Heights, Illinois
with Tobie, Monty, Lottie and McGee forever in our hearts