Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shopping at the 2009 Specialty – Part 5 – The 3-C's

This was a fun booth to shop at – it had a lot of great toys and other items for your Berner. In fact, I had a message from Laura Pajot yesterday asking me for their contact information, because her dogs love the items she brought back from specialty from this vendor so much that she needs to order more of them.

The 3-C’S
Pat Click
19345 R. D. A.3 NE
Soap Lake, WA 98851
Phone: (509) 246-1451
Fax: (509) 246-0354
email: mail@3cdog.com
Web Site: 3cdog.com

This was a great booth – it was full of great things for your Berner. These are some of the items that Pat carries: grooming supplies, shears, shampoo, leads, collars, toys, bones, brushes, grooming tables, grooming arms, dryers, kennel cleaner and more. Check out her web site so you can see what she has to offer.

Pat donated a lovely lead to our upcoming Berner-Garde Fundraiser.

Joye Neff and Nicky "BG #38330"
(and Will)
Berner Fundraiser
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

There are so many great things to show you in this booth, the question is, where to start? So, let's start with the bait! There were shampoos, cleaners, tooth care products...

Here are views of some of the leads. There were show leads, leather leads, braided leads, short leads, and oh, the variety of colors!

An array of grooming cover-ups...

...grooming products, treats, bully sticks...

...and did we mention, toys? If your dog likes squeaky toys, these Cuz toys are wonderful! Monty and Lottie really like the chicken. Monty will see it, walk over and "beep" it with his nose. It makes me laugh every time.

Pat also has a great selection of stuffed toys to entertain your Berner. I heard a rumor that certain "Streaking Man of Steel" in North Carolina was almost happier to see his new hedgehog than his mom! Clearly, Zeke gives these toys an enthusiastic endorsement.

Lynn Alvarez
Prospect Heights, Illinois
with Tobie, Monty (beep! beep!), Lottie and McGee forever in our hearts

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